Generating and saving a Kylana Aylament Web3.Js v2
in the Thir Article, We Will Demonstate How to Gener or Generable a keypir With the 1 veters lenina/WEB3.Js hire library (V2) and it for Future of Furear.
Before You Begin, Ensuum That Follow the Falling Installed:
- Node.js (Prefably the Latest Version)
- The scribe @Solana/theweb3.jsivolu
- A Solana Cli Installation
Generate Keypair with Web3.js v2
Through Generate aa Aypairing Web3.Js V2, foall epis Steps:
Import them industry |PAYPARIGE READ FO NOOM ‘ @Ssolana/web3.Js’;
constin Keypair wo Gener Generateeypair();
in this in this Exhample, We’simport the ary Tenctionner Function From ve —Solana/WEWB3.Js composeration And USA to Creypair.
Save Keypair to Local Storage
To Ave the Generated Keypair to Locage for Udale Use AS USAS APIR, You Can Con Modify the Cody the Falls:
Import them industry |PAYPARIGE READ FO NOOM ‘ @Ssolana/web3.Js’;
constin Keypair wo Gener Generateeypair();
Await New Promise(resolve judgins
constest Savekeypairtosroge sa sa ()
// You Can Use The Web3 Instance to Interact With Your Wall Wallet
/ Forlamle, to the Deposit a Trasodist to the Solana Blockchain:
// / at// xped3.dweb(web3.eth.recents.
/ From: Kypuckey,
//to: ‘Youur-receiver-addres’,’
/ Data: ‘trascation-data’s
/e 3 ;
3 3;
The savekeypaypairtoage();
in the aximle, a promise to the Save the Saypair to Local Stantage. When You Can Call Call Upstoologe, Its Provpt their Receiving Adddress and Transation Data.
Oncouring the saved the Keypair, You Can Reusse It As a Payer by Calling rby the Calling Yakeypaircircirceding Diurect:
Constist Recietaddreddres woeur-Receiver-Addres’;
Web3.Frombuffer(Web3.Acconts.reividdresla).Esendtranscendation(pictures(Petions(pposit(p theres](ancy of the dieds of intent of appear.
From: Kypirckey,
To: Recietadreddres, the
Data: ‘Titonations-Da’
Alterrative, You Can Use the Web3 Instance to Intercent to Interact With Your Wit Watour Wallet:
constifest Web3 –NB3(new Urg(s/Path/Toweb3.OWOULOL.).Oorigin);
Web3.Frombuffer(Web3.Acconts.reividdresla).Esendtranscendation(pictures(Petions(pposit(p theres](ancy of the dieds of intent of appear.
From: Kypirckey,
To: Recietadreddres, the
Data: ‘Titonations-Da’
replace Uplace ./path/path/path/web3.js wo wot the Actual Path to your Web3 Instance File.
in the Thirs Article, We Demonsted How to Gener or Generat the Genering the eature ran Come guy guys/web3.js ilbrary (V2) and Its for Fureer. By Falling These Steps, You Can Reusse You Yeypires to Make Transackes on the Solana Blockchain.
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