Interacting with BPF_LODDE_PROGram with the Sorana Web3js: Correct Guide
Sorana Blockchain has become increasingly popular with decentralized applications (DAP) and interacts with the same network SDK. Howver, one of the most important concepts that can tryp is interacting with theater
bpf_logram , Crutical components relative).
In this article, our injection as accelerated in the BPF_LODER_ process at the Web3JS and we offer it to the right guide.
What is the expected way of interacting with Wheth bpf_loader_ process?
BPF_LODER_ process is a program that downloads binary programs (BPFS) to Sorana Blockchain. There is a BPS, which is mainly assembled rust code that can be performed by the BEA. The priority of this program is to download and clean these BPS, it is you by compromising the Facation signature.
If you want to interact with BPF_LODE_GOGram, use Web3J, you must follow the specificity: Workflow:
- Create a new BPF program : First of all, you need to translate a rust program that takes the desired functionality as a library (
.SO). You can, tools such as "rust" in your code.
20 -Loster package. This allows you to compile your laards in the solena Blockchain.
- Register uploaded program with BPF runner : When the BPF charging device has been loaded, you must register the downloaded program during the BPF performance using the
BPF :: Load_rogram ()
- Quey Lauded Information : Finally, you can with Varius web3js, such as the Aslana-Program Data () Orna Rogram-Accounts ()
What aboutweb3.bpf_loader_ processid?
As in your question,bpf_loader_rogram_idis marked as depreciation. However, it does not mean immediately. The Web3JS team is constantly working by updating and improving application subscriptions to never support features and allnatives.
In fact, the recent web3js (1.x) offers an error interaction with interaction with bpf_loader_ process, Whech Wech Beline:
Improve your approach use Web3js 1.x
With Web3JS 1.x you can allow the rust program to download and query the next code to download and survey:
Const {soanrogramdata} = wait for the web3.Loadrogram (
'Path // Your/BPF/Download/Library.SO',
Accounts: [],
Programs: []
Console.log (solanrogramdata.Loadrogramdata ());
This code loves the BPF Diagram library, registering it with BPF runner and queer.
conclusion *
In the interaction of the BPF_LODO_ process, the Sorana Web3J can be most associated with them, but by understanding the correct and alterstand pmment process. By following you, you can love, query, and assemble rust programs effectively as Sorana programs.
If you have any additional questions or need additional help, freely ask!
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